The Morning After | en

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1. The Morning After is a 5 piece electronica/metal groovemachine pumping out dance-able, slam-able masterpieces straight to your ears.

2. Bambang Iswanto (vocal and guitar), Akhmad Sya’ban Nasution (Bass), and Onny Maretino Nugroho (Drums) formed The Morning After in 2002, Malang. The band then recruited Pramudya Ananta as a guitar in 2004 before they entered the recording studio to record their first album release. Drawing from high school band called Mayonaise Punch, it only had two members that still remained until now. Sooner afterwards, the guys changed their name became “The Morning After” quoted from a Dutch article. Actually, none of the members knows the meaning of their band but they think it is easy to be remembered and said. Raised in Malang, they played a number of rock band musics such as Smashing Pumpkins, Foo Fighters, and Goo Goo Dolls. Hence, their musics were mostly infused by those bands and then they grew considerably as the band that has their own color.

3. Four piece band from Essex, UK that combine 80s metal and hardcore styles.

4. 1960s-era garage-rock band from Massachusetts born from the ashes of The Vandels.

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