The Hal Al Shedad | en

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Atlanta trio The Hal Al Shedad blends sheer unbridled chaos with thoughtful introspection, revealing a remarkable artistic depth that goes beyond simple hardcore fury. While taking plenty of cues from such truly angry bands as The Monorchid and Unwound, The Hal Al Shedad also goes on arty Sonic Youth-style tangents, and sometimes even explores the dreamy side of indie rock in the manner of Seam's early records. It's an electrifying combination that will make your every neck hair stand on end.

The threesome has released a seven-inch, "Running and Falling," and a pair of LPs, their 1997 self-titled debut and 1999's Textures of Tomorrow, featuring "Machine Gun" and "Walking Blind Dancing." While The Hal Al Shedad offers plenty of guitar pyrotechnics and vocal anguish, it's their ability to create tension by inserting rambling, oddly peaceful interludes between the moments of fury that makes them such a mature and complex talent. .

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