The Eversons | en

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The Eversons are good friends who believe in working together, so they all take turns singing back up and lead vocals. The songwriters for the group are bassist Mark Turner and guitarist Chris Young. Together, their style combines the vocal harmonies of The Beach Boys with the dry wit of Jonathan Richman and guitar heavy arrangements of Pavement and Weezer. Turner and Young share the leads on most of the album, while guitarist Blair Everson sings lead on ‘Why Can’t You Just Be Happy For Me’ and drummer Tim Shann steps up for ‘You’re Just A Friend’.

Shann also takes care of engineering duties, with the band recording, mixing and mastering the album themselves. His focus is on capturing a well-performed and organic live sound. The Eversons spent a month rehearsing the record to get it up to scratch and only two weeks in the studio. All the instrumentals were recorded live, so the album has a stripped back feel that stays true to their live sound.

Summer Feeling perfectly captures all the different facets that make up the Eversons. The title comes from a Jonathan Richman song and reflects the band’s shared interest in writing songs that are both humorous and sincere. The album opener, ‘Could It Ever Get Better?’, has Turner wondering whether his life is likely to improve when his hair thins, his parents die, and he loses his mind. The rest of the band enthusiastically replies “It never gets better!” His outlook is similarly sharp when he muses on romantic issues (‘Marriage’, ‘Creepy’) or his career prospects (‘So Down’). The mix of pop vocals and off-kilter guitar reaches new heights on ‘Terminally Lame’, which has Young trying to be cool yet failing miserably. It’s continued on ‘Heading Overseas’ as Young tries to leave his small town for the big smoke, but can’t seem to get it to work out.

Summer Feeling will be released on 23rd April. The first single, ‘Could it Ever Get Better?’, will be accompanied by a stop-motion animation video by Trophy Wife Productions (who also made The Brunettes viral breakthrough video, ‘Her Hairagami Set’). .

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