Tapani Varis | en

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Despite its wide usage, the Jew's harp is an instrument that is treated with little respect, and is rarely considered a solo instrument. Tapani Varis is someone who has completely mastered the instrument. With his first album "Munniharppuuna", he resurrects Finland's 500-year old Jew's harp tradition which was thought to have been lost forever.

Varis has added a wide geographical array of stylistic influences into his mix, including elements from the Jew's harp traditions of Hungary, Siberia and even Indonesia. In the end, however, his music is ultimately part of the Finnish fiddler and folk music tradition.

As well as playing the Jew's harp, Tapani Varis has played bass with Aldargaz, the Helsinki Mandoliners, Erik Hokkanen & Lumisudet and Freshet, among others. .

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