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Sonya Townsend was born January 19, 1971 in the small town of Jasper, Texas. At age three Sonya was baptized, and from that point her passion for God grew. During her school days she attended “Head-Start” and also was in the church choir and consistently participated in her local church’s activities. Sonya’s primary influences range from Gladys Knight to Hall and Oates and from Howard Hewitt to Shalamar, Shirley Caesar, the Reverend James Cleveland, Walter Hawkins and many others. “There is something about the human voice that no one can really imitate. It carries a certain uniqueness that sticks with you and makes you appreciate music, and specific artists more so than others.” Sonya expresses that; “Music is universal, because it reaches the soul of every person.” Sonya’s life soon crossed paths with many different opportunities. In 1991 attempting her freshman project with a local independent label, after releasing her first project she married her husband (with whom she has been with for fifteen years). In 1993 the couple was blessed with the first of three daughters, and as any loving mother would, Sonya walked away from a blossoming music career to be a mother. It was at that point when Sonya began to see one of her biggest passions (music) take a backseat to the necessity of being “mom.” Finding fulfillment in her self-expression had always been an outlet, with the absence of music in her life, Sonya began to experience a serious struggle with depression and addiction. As her life began to spiral out-of-control Sonya was frequenting nightclubs as well as developing an addiction to prescription medication and struggling with alcoholism. In 2001 Sonya hit “rock bottom” when her husband left her. Now hopeless and confused Sonya decided she would give God another try. She attended a Sunday service at Wings of Eagles Fellowship, it was then when Apostle Kelvin Hall delivered a deliverance service, which ushered the presence of God back into Sonya’s life. In a matter of four hours the Holy Spirit accomplished more than what AA, jail time, and rehabilitation could do. It was at that point Sonya became “brand new,” God had redeemed her life, her love, her family, and her music. From that point her life was never the same, her transformation gave her insight into the heart of God and the spiritual realm. Because of this divine appointment, Sonya believes that God has given her a special message and gifting to take the message of Gods love and deliverance to every hurting soul who is in need of new life. GOD IS INFINITE LOVE WITHOUT A DOUBT .

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