Shoplifters | en

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After a few theoretical sessions of careful planning,, followed by alcohol consumption, the band finaly started playing in March 2002. The basic idea was to play pop punk. Later it turned out that everyone had a different definition of the genre, which, in the long run, helped create a pretty unique sound. But, that was later, and right now it only made some confusion and misunderstandings. . And then, in a completely surprising and unexplainable outburst of self confidence, in July 2002 they entered the studio and recorded a two song demo. Even though the Shoplifters sounded a bit more wimpy and a bit more poppy than deserved on this recording, it still makes a solid first effort. It also marks the end of this early stage of the bands work, because two months later Filip decided to quit. Still, this line up was officialy recognised, because Cheap talk and cheap cigars appeared on the European pop punk virus vol. 2 compilation, released by a dutch label Stardumb records. Up to date , its the only official Shoplifters appearance in the music industry. For a while, the band played without a singer, just trying to write some music and hoping that someone might come along. But the Dreadful Wait lasted a lot longer than they expected and apathy started to take over what was left of the enthusiasm that the guys still had. In desperate attempts to keep the band running, they tried out with a series of folks taking the mic, which usually ended with more or less tragic results. Still, one of the candidates sorta stood out with his enthusiasm and capacity to take orders, so they gave it a shot. His name was Jova (son of a preacher man). With a new singer they started having practices on regular basis and actually got to play their first shows. It was far from spectacular, but it did give em a kick in the ass to do a better job. In February 2004 they went to the studio for the second time, this time recording five new songs. The second demo showed a lot more mature and complex songs, with production being more raw and closer to the actual Shoplifters sound. Even though the guys thought that the new demo is a big step forward, they still felt like something was missing. They felt that the only thing to do was to take a break and think things thru, and see what might come out of it. The vacation lasted a lot shorter than any of the Shoplifters expected (or hopped for). Suddenly somebody said: Hey, why dont we ask Majkic, and that was it. The easiest thing in the world. All of the guys knew Majkic for a long time, and its a wonder that they never thought of asking him to join before. He came from the same background and shared the same interests and ideas about music, it seemed like a perfect match. Still, some of the band members decided that this was gonna be the last shot, and if this one fails, its the end of Shoplifters. Unfortunately for the world-it worked! The guys started writing more new songs, playing more shows, and they recorded a new four song demo. In December 2006 they have recorded their first full length album 'Technicolor melodies'. They are carrying on with a new found energy, writing more music and hoping to play around as much as possible. So, if you see “Shoplifters” written on a poster somewhere in your hometown, make sure to give them a shot. They probably won’t appreciate it, but they need it. SEE YA AROUND!!! .