ReActivate | en

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ReActivate are a Futurepop band consisting of two fellows -- Frank and Marc -- from the area around Cologne in Germany. Growing up in the Eighties, the band found their style in the combination of melodic sounds and vocals, songs with atmosphere and up-tempo beats. Their lyrics are in both English and German.

Frank and Marc had been a part of the so-called "underground" scene in Germany for years, but had always wondered why they only saw people dressed in black dancing to this kind of music. So, ReActivate sent out some promos to DJs and joined the EBM Radio Compilation. Later they watched people (dressed in black or otherwise) not only dancing to their music but also having a lot of fun at the ReActivate concerts. "ReActivate your mind" is the band's slogan -- open your mind for new music, open your mind for new influences, free yourself from boundaries and dance to everything you like. Because Frank (Vocals) and Marc (Keyboard) are self produced their music is 100% their own.

In 2003, ReActivate entered the "Battle of the Bands" competition held by German magazine Sonic Seducer and came in second place. This lead to ReActivate signing with Synthetic Product Records, a label who has built up bands like De/Vision, Mesh and Colony 5. .

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