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We live in Arezzo. here because we have a study immersed in green and quietness, essential requirement to compose music; even if geographically we are far away from the large musical business centres. (London, New York, Milan). Luigi: "When I was young, and money was lacking, I stole two microphones and a mixer from a Friary to start to make music. An other time, while being the DJ, I went down to slap a guy that was trying to flirt with my girlfriend and then I went back in time to change the record; an other day I got to the study and I found Omar and the other guys completely drunk and spaced out and also a terrible mess, so I took the guitar and chased Omar to smash it on its head and he fell down and break a shoulder. In1996 instead, while we were in my basement during a storm, the study got flooded and we looked like homeless people holding all our instruments.

Our sounds followed a path determined by the blending of our different experiences as DJs: Luigi with electro 80' and Acid House hints, Omar, instead, more techno Detroit and German minimal and only recently back to more Prog-house stuff.

Currently, also after seeing the last market trends, we did not do anything else than modernise, from a sound and product quality viewpoint, what was already part of our musical history and experience: therefore our production at times touches aspects like tribal techouse, electro clash and breakbeat Finger Lickin's style, that we love particularly.

In the past we were strongly attracted by the Eighties dark sound, in all its expressions: Cure, Depeche mode, Bauhaus, 4AD Artists, Kraftwerk, Einesturzende de Nuebaten, a real passion for committed music. All of this of course within those musical expressions that characterised all last decade trail: dance, dub, trip hop and electronics in general. In addition to our passion for music we care also of anything around it; we like minimal design, Bauhaus style, and any graphic art that looks forward (Autechre Warp rec style). Other things that influenced us came from life events we have experienced and the need to express them and express ourselves at the same time.

We always looked for new sounds of course, and for new good labels that could exploit our true potential, hoping that major record companies were to be managed, one day, by competent people in the musical field, even musicians themselves, that could appreciate new proposals and not only the law of big numbers, that, as we experienced, does not pay off and hinders whoever tries to follow different routes. But we know already that this is a utopia and that a person that was managing Toyota yesterday for Example, can be the chief of a major record company today. Uhmm....we have a big doubt....

As reality proved that music is just a "Melting pot" of genres that made its history, we believe that in the future these mixes will become even more extreme, especially in the underground world, where partially it’s already happening.

Currently Omar is working as a DJ set in some large Italian realities, even though unfortunately only few, like: Insomnia, Pisa (historical place); Utopia, Genoa; Ecu, Rimini; Central Park, Florence; Fitzcarraldo, Arezzo; Cocorico’, Riccione without taking into account the numberless experiences abroad that you will find in the personal curriculum. But we also work together, Live or DJ set, as we believe that either situation is exciting even though different. In regards to our taste, in addition to the clubs indicated, we have also: Tenax in Florence, Le Foliies de Pigalle Doc show in Bologna and events in social centres like: Link, Bologna; Maffia, Reggio Emilia; Brancaleone, Roma

We can say our target public is a very demanding and open to surprises type of public: middle age, without mental taboos and free. We can see that, particularly from the people coming to our shows that we are observing with our own eyes...

Since a long time we are trying to enter a circle that could significantly do business with our electro characteristics.

Difficulties, necessities and life happenings change quickly and abruptly creating continuous and different moods that cannot be individuated in each piece and that, at times, bring also to mental pauses. .

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