Pimpi Arroyo | en

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Brazilian-born composer Pimpi Arroyo first got turned on to sound illustration in 1994 through his relationship with fellow artists and film directors. In 1996 Arroyo released his first full length album, City Zen, a combination of acid jazz, jungle, and cultural beats. His second full-length on Milan Records, Over Dream, followed four years later and is based on an extended version of a score for a film about haute couture at fashion shows around the world. ~ than in 2003 comes out a cd-dvd "spiral3"
with ten videoart clips mixed in 5.1:the result is an eccentric mix of electronic melodies and abstract images which immers us in a rich and fertile creative environment.Veritable musical globetrotter he takes part to the Khamsa project a electronic remix of old maroccan songs.In2007 he reales the album"Sonido Cadaques"
a collective cd writen and recorded in Cadaques small village in spain where Dali lived.Pimpi Arroyo has put toghether most of the musicians of the village to make a very special mix off all electronic mediterranean tendance.
lately he participates to the "Amnesia chill out session"remixing in lounge style his favorites artists songs

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