Original Tuxedo Jazz Orchestra | en

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The Original Tuxedo Orchestra was founded by Oscar 'Papa' Celestin in 1910 who was born in New Orleans 1884 . Died 1954
Played in New Orleans for over 20 years. This is from the album New Orleans Classics which are recordings he made 1925-1928.
Band personnel include :- Papa Celestin , Kid 'Shots' Madison and Richard Alexis (cornets)
William Ridgley.August Rousseau, Ernest Kelly (trombones
Willard Thoumy (clarinet/a/sax /t/sax)
Manual Manetta,Jeanette Salvant (piano)
John Marrera (banjo)
Simon Marrera (bass)
Nothing was heard from him for many years until he returned to jazz in the 1941 revival.