Omkara Techichi | en

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Omkara Techichi is a Dutch hardcore producer who made a name for himself through his releases on Explosive Records (The Future Is Final EP) and Hellbound (The Darkside). Having been granted much praise about two of his tracks tracks, "Digital Torment" and "Twisted Defiance", Omkara decided to press on with his experimental sound, resulting not long after that in a release through Cardiac on Meta4, an equally unusual record label with many audio challenging engineers.

'Nocturnal Stasis' on Global Pandemic was the first Omkara Techichi track to be promoted on Meta4. Soon after came 'Undefiled Wisdom' on Albuminurophobia and then finally his solo EP release 'Metaphysical Ressurection' which was well-appreciated in the more industrial-orientated corners of the hardcore techno scene.

Nowadays, Omkara Techichi's goal is to bring forth a daring combination between mainstream hardcore and industrial darkcore, sugar-coated with an undeniable layer of fantasy/horror-styled atmosphere and vocal samples. Not only have his ideas evolved, but his overall sound quality and engineering skills as well.

Omkara Techichi has the ability to appeal to an extremely wide-ranged audience due to the large variety in styles and uniquely sounding tracks. Despite his great respect and appreciation for Meta4, Omkara decided to leave the label in order to release his gigantic album DREAMONIC VAMPEROR on Red Fever Recordings in 2012. .

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