Nebular Spool | en

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Ugress side project.

Uncanny Planet Records is proud to announce the digital release of Nebular Spool. Lo-fi retro-organic digital steampunk - sounds of dead dreams and begone futures.

Or that is what we think it is supposed to be. We don't know much about Nebular Spool, it is all quite the mystery to us. One early morning we came into office, and a letter we hadn't seen before was already there on the floor. If this had been a film noir this would not surprise us at all, but actually this is Western Norway, 2007 and it is quite impossible to slip anything under the door. It is well insulated.

Inside the envelope was a single, dirty DVD, marked "Nebular Spool", containing a few audio files (in .snd format) and a plain text file (Unix line ends). This is the contents of the text file:

I much only walk alone, not much choice… Everyone differently now dead. On one of my solitary voyages to the ruins of urban landscape I found a half of portable computer buried in sand. It was rusted and full with the scratches, the broken screen, but it seemed intact.

I brought it back to the laboratory and indeed it started with the power starting from my generator. The computer was full with the noises and with strange samples, loosely organized together in the folders called hidden. There was also a visual file of television, one documentary about the fall of civilization. I think that it has "mockumentary", because the details of the apocalypse in the documentary one were far from my own experiment and it was full with the fictitious characters. I organized the noises in with formed album and now I listen to this music when I walk my long voyages along the abandoned roads. .

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