Melys | en

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Melys were a Welsh band, much loved by the legendary DJ John Peel. Core members were Andrea Parker (vocals), Paul Adams (guitar and keyboards), Carys Jones (keyboards) and Gary Husband. Between 1996 and 2005 they released a total of five full length albums plus numerous other recordings. Their debut album, 'Rumours and Curses', came out in 1998 on Arctic/Pinnacle records, but the band's relationship with the label turned sour, and in 1999 they formed their own label, Sylem Records, on which their second full length album, 'Kamikaze', came out in 2000. In common with their debut album 'Kamikaze' attracted critical acclaim, as did the 2002 follow-up 'Suikerspin' (which is Dutch for candy floss). Fittingly for a band championed almost from the outset by greatly loved BBC DJ John Peel the single from this album called 'Chinese Whispers' was voted number one in Peel's Festive Fifty at the end of the year. The band's final two albums were 'Casting Pearls' (2003) and 'Life's Too Short' (2005), the latter of which was dedicated to Peel, who had died in October of the previous year.

More egalitarian and open than many bands, Melys attracted impassioned support, with Andrea Parker suggesting that this was because whereas “With a lot of bands you get ‘we are the band, you are the fans’ ....... with us the fans have become friends. They become part of Melys in a weird kind of way. We’re not up on a pedestal at all! If you like us, come and have a chat with us.”

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