Koloto | en

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Koloto is the pseudonym of producer and multi-instrumentalist Maria Sullivan. Growing up in pastoral Canterbury in the UK, Maria was composing and recording music from her early teens. A self-taught guitarist, she successfully turned her attention to a variety of instruments, playing and touring with a succession of bands including 5 years as bassist with math rock outfit Delta Sleep.

Individual experimentation and composition continued with an increasing interest in electronica and the development of musical software to manipulate and process sound in increasingly intricate ways, a signature that would later manifest itself in her work as Koloto.

The Koloto moniker came to be in 2013 following the self-release of a series of tracks that garnered significant interest online. A flood of music press coverage (XLR8R, Dummy, Dots and Dashes) and international radio play (BBC Radio One, ABC National and France Inter) cemented her position as an exciting new producer and marked the beginnings of a devoted listener base.. .

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