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KYD | en

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KYD hip hop band founded in 2001, in Haifa.
The band consists of three artists: Sharon Leader, Dolly Eisen, built Eisen.
Characteristic of the musical style is hip-hop band integrated electronic foreign style unique.
KYD appears all over the country, clubs, stage entertainment, etc., as well as the band works in cooperation with Jewish communities abroad, Canada and France.
KYD out in 2009 a national tour of the project "Youth would act differently under the direction of the Ministry of productions" John Rennie ".
KYD band won the title of the Year and Song of the year in 2008-2009 in the genre of hip hop, their song "Pop ITA Up" won the third place of Top 10 music channel 24, a great success on the amount of video views "YouTube", with no less than 52,000 views in four days.
KYD appeared Lior Schlein plan of Channel 10, Channel children's show "noise" music channel 24.
Now the band is represented with Media Content EH (Eran Hadar) the content Ahslularim such as songs and clips in, Orange, Cellcom, Pelephone.
KYD sells very admired among the youth in the field of hip hop, and performs songs and collaborations with artists such as performances in Israel in a hip hop Subliminal, The Shadow, as 6, Shai 360, Dunedin. .

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