Internal Suffering | en

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Internal Suffering is a brutal death metal band from Colombia formed in 1996. They were formed in 1995 as Suffer by Fabián (Vocals), Leandro (Guitars), Andrés Garcia (Bass, Goretrade) and Jorge (Drums).

The band were playing local gigs around their constituency in Columbia for most part of 1996 and writing original songs which acclaimed the brutal death metal style. The band played with Incantation in the summer of 1997 and the band were on the way to record. However, the band had to part ways with Fabian and was replaced by Fabio Marin rather quickly. In the same year they toured with Sodom and after Jorge left the band. He was replaced by Edwin (Animals killing people) later on.

After awhile the band came into the studio to record of what was going to be their debut album in 1998. This, however, was not the case as a lot of porblems with the sounding of the album and the direction the band wanted did not fit the bill. So, the band decided to wait until the right moment should arrive for a deal and to record there work over the past few years. This left to some problems and ended up Edwin leaving the band with Fabio "Dr Grinder" Ramirez (Infernal Hate (Esp), Dethroned, Carnal (Col), Disembowel (US), Carnivore Diprosopus) pulling up the stall in his place.

The long awaited moment of recording their debut CD "Supreme Knowledge Domain" had arrived in 1999. The band signed to Qabalah Records and it was released in September 2000. The album recieved raving reviews from their fans with the CD being sold worldwide. However, Fabio had to leave the band becuase of personnal issues, so Edwin had to replace him to promote the album.

Their second full length was recorded after a small inclining of what it was going to be like from their 2001 EP "Unmercyful Extermination" which was recorded becuase of the problems with their American Tour with such bands as Brodequin and Vomit Remnants. The band then came back and recorded their followup album "Chaotic Matrix". The album was released on April 6th 2002 by Displeased Records which poured into the underground scene and made an improvement from their debut. The band went to the Ohio Death Fest 2002, the Massachusetts Death Fest and Xtreme Benefest in Detroit with such bands as Skinless, Cannibal Corpse and Gorgasm. The band had relocated to New York, but now lives in Spain.


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