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Let it be known that from this day forth, The entity known as Funeral Goat will no longer exist.
It has changed form and from this moment shall be named Ibex Angel Order or IAO.
We have decided that because the music and lyrics that have arisen in the last writing sessions differ so much from what Funeral Goat once was intended for, this change was a necessity.
F.G. was started as a tribute to our old favourites VON and Beherit. We limited our song writing to fit those bands approach and the lyrics were kept primitive with the same intent. We wrote an entire album following this rigid structure. We are still proud of it for what it is, a monument to ancient black death metal.
However, we feel that limiting our art is not right. All tracks we have written since our Mass Ov Perversion album have been completely free of any limitations or pre conceived ideas. These songs just came into existence and wrote themselves. These tracks needed lyrics that were far more personal to us and that showed more depth and thought. . Our lyrics deal with gnostic writings and other occult scriptures. .