Heltir | en

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Heltir was born in 1987 in San Francisco, California as a solo noise project that Rozz did concurrently with Premature Ejaculation, and which he continued until his death.

The first 3 recordings were written, recorded, and produced solely by Rozz himself and were released only on cassette, on the now defunct Happiest Place On Earth Label. (These titles are currently unavailable). In 1994 Rozz began working on the "Neue Sachlichkeit" CD. Rozz wrote and arranged all the loops and sound material as usual but this time included guest contributors.

In 1997, the last Heltir show at Coven 13 marked a total re-invention of the way Heltir worked. Rozz had now decided to concentrate on vocalizing as his main source of sound input (something absent from previous Heltir material). This freed Rozz from the restraint of working behind a console table, and allowed him to bring much more of the 'Performance' element to the live experience, while Erik Christides handled most of the soundscapes.

Two tracks are featured on the Malaise/Cleopatra release "Merry Maladies" .

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