Happy Camper | en

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(1) Happy Camper is a Dutch musical project founded by Job Roggeveen from El Pino and the Volunteers. The self-titled Happy Camper dΓ©but album was released in January 2011.

For the different songs Job Roggeveen asked many different vocalists including: Tim Knol, Leine, David Pino & Appel (El Pino & The Volunteers), Janne Schra (Schradinova), Ricky Koole, Johannes Sigmond (Blaudzun), Marien Dorleijn (Moss), Helge Slikker (Storybox), Bouke Zoete (The Kevin Costners) and Odilo Girod (Chop Wood / Coparck).

Job Roggeveen is also working as an animator. The animated frontman of the band is a camping Yeti named Manfred.

(2) Happy Camper is an in-tents metal band hailing from Brisbane, Australia. Using influences such as Strapping Young Lads, At the Gates, Hypocrisy, Carcass, Meshuggah and Darkane blended in with their own brain juice Happy camper have created their own blend of metal dubbed " In- Tents" Metal. A chaotic blend of Blast beats, thrash drumming, speed picking and good old fashion screaming your lungs out. Touring Nationally soon. This is a band not to miss.
www.myspace.com/happymfcamper .

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