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Evisceration | en

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In February 1992, Niek Kuijper, Robert Houtenbos and Ronald Kools start metal band Evisceration. Within a week, Finus Tromp joins the the illustrious trio and provides the band with a place to rehearse in. Soon the first songs are written, which show aggressive riff-structures, surprising breaks and melodic passages, all in a unique characteristic style.

After a number of auditions, vocalist Daniel Strengman is recruited. With this line-up, a try-out is played three weeks later. Although this try-out is quite succesful, the band feels something is missing. Richard Moot is invited to play along on his keyboard and all bandmembers agree this is what they are looking for. The symphonic atmosphere created by the keyboards forms an extraordinary contrast to the heavy guitarsound. Existing songs are rearranged and an even more distinguised musical style evolves.

Many succesful gigs are played in this formation. Unfortunately Daniel has to leave the band due to personal problems. He is replaced by Robin Van Der Ven, former vocalist of Surf Throat. With this new singer, Evisceration is even more succesful than before. The band wins the semi-finals of "Noord Hollands Glorie" in Buk Buk (Heiloo) and becomes fourth overall in the finals in De Melkweg (Amsterdam).

In April 1993, the fearsome six release their first demo, called "Victim Of His Frustration", which sells very well (over 500 copies) and gets many positive reviews in various magazines (Aardschok/Metal Hammer: "...a valuable purchase for every deathmetal freak..."). Some of the songs can also be heard on the sampler CD's "Antichrist Superstar" of Displeased Records and "Appointment With Fear III" of Cyber Music. These releases result in many gigs with bands like The Gathering, Celestial Season, Consolation, Altar, Nembrionic, Threnody, Gutwrench and many others.

In July 1994, Evisceration records the second demo, "Eclipse". Just like its predecessor, it is recorded in the Beaufort Recording Studio, It shows the band has grown musically and good reviews and reactions are the inevitable result (Aardschok: "...I won't be surprised if Evisceration is offered a recorddeal..."). Because of this new tape, the band is asked to do gigs with bands like Gorefest, Samael, Crematory and Sentenced.

Because of a problematic lack of time, Robin has to leave the band and is replaced by Han Swagerman in November 1994. With this new vocalist, Evisceration records 3 songs for a split CD which is released by Effigy records in the summer of 1995. This CD, "Effigy Of The Possessed", also features Esmegor (It.) and Judgement Day (Hol.). On stage, Evisceration has developed a unique tight and dynamic show. This is only more obvious when the band shows her strenght and wins the IJmond Popprijs in August.

However, within a year it becomes clear that Han can't live up to the expectations of the other bandmembers, so both parties decide to end the cooperation. The vocals are taken over by Robert and Ronald, which proves to be the perfect solution. More variety and dual vocals result in many enthousiastic reactions and really add to the level of aggression and melody of the music.

In December 1995 the third demo is recorded, entitled "Pure". More aggression, but most of all more melody, accompanied by a killer production characterize this new tape. According to the numerous positive reviews in magazines like Music Maker and Aardschok, Evisceration proves to be one of the best symphonic deathmetal bands in Holland. Again, the new demo provides new gigs. Performances with bands like Sinister and Sadist show once again that the band is fully capable of reproducing the tape's high standard.

Unfortunately, all good things have to end... Due to loss of interest and problematic working schedules, Evisceration plays her last concert in City Pool (Castricum) on the 11th of July 1996.

Other bands named Evisceration include:

- Evisceration is a deathcore band from North Carolina, formed in 2009. A collection of four songs, including both demos and masters, was released online in November 2009. The band is currently working on solidifying a line-up and new material.

- Evisceration was a 'Christian' Death metal band, who released a number of song on Chords of the Grave, alongside Obliteration, Oblation, and Disencumbrance. .

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