Манас | en

Манас is the fifth full-length album by Kyrgyz black metal band Darkestrah, and is a concept album based around the Kyrgyz epic poem Манас дастаны, or The Epic of Manas, which is one of the lengthiest poems in history, twenty times longer than the collected works of Homer.

Translations of song titles:

1. Manas: Avenger
2. Memory (The Old Man)
3. Victory
4. Kyrgyzstan
5. Manas: Warrior

Transliterations to Latin:

1. Manas-mstitel'
2. Pamyat' (starik)
3. Pobeda
4. Kyrgyzstan (or Kırgızstan)
5. Manas-batır

The album's lyrics are in the Russian language, as are at least the first three titles. The fourth could be either Russian or Kyrgyz; transliteration from Russian is listed first. The final title appears to be Kyrgyz (or possibly Kazakh, Bashkir, or Adyghe), though the lyrics are still in Russian. .