Daniele | en

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Daniele has spent the last 15 of her 24 years in fulltime ministry primarily on the road with her family. She is the oldest of Glen & Linda Clark's 8 children. Born into a world of music and clubs, At 6 years old her life took a drastic turn when her brother Beau was born with Crouzons Syndrome and Glen had a conversion experience that would change everything about their lives up until then. As Glen began giving every area of his life to God, Glen was led to take Daniele out of school and home school her, something he was not sure was even legal then but knew he must do because God told him to. With much opposition from everyone around, including family they continued to home school & step further out in this walk of faith selling all that you have giving to the poor...having only Gods word to lead them out of their suburban middleclass world into a world of trust only in God. And ministry to handicapped, homeless, drug & alcohol addicts that would eventually expand much farther. Dividing her time growing up between befriending and helping her brother Beau and eventually seven other siblings & watching her world change daily with constantly exciting & miraculous ministry & testimony being built around her. From Darkness to light from "normalcy" to faith, from CCM to the streets and on...the journey though hard was building something even bigger than they knew and would be well worth the sacrifice.

After years of watching Daddy do first, high tech video concerts then slowly progress to more acoustic music while on the college circuit and eventually start incorporating a small set of songs for the children to sing in 2000 as Beau was going in for a major surgery a band was formed. Beau taught himself and his little sister Jessica (then 8) to play the keyboard and all of Daddy's songs. While Daniele was teaching herself Acoustic Bass. Joshua (the 10 year old red head) had learned guitar and drums. And what was left but for Daddy to practice with them a few times before the surgery? They practiced and again. They played a concert and again. And Glen Clark & The Family became a band. A far cry from Glen's high tech choreographed video concerts and no, they weren't professional musicians, just children. But God had a plan & no one argued

A few years later Daniele opened up for Glen Clark & The Family playing her own songs and began coming into her own as a singer/songwriter while she continued to perform and minister with her family.Her ministry continues to grow as she is looked to as a standard by many. Counseling & ministering to broken people, specifically teen-college age girls, seems to be closer to her heart then performing. But her writing is a rich documentation of life and a continual striving for authenticity and purity and has a strength and honest vulnerability that will continue to carry her music far in the years to come.

Aside from music she also is very involved in coordinating Harvest Gathering in Asheville, Jesus Village Cornerstone and Winter Gathering Florida conferences, outreaches and other festivals. As well as working daily with Glen Clark Ministries and Jesus Village in outreach and ministry.

She finished up an album with Glen Clark & The Family that released in early 2006 and just released a solo EP appropriately titled 'Honestly Daniele' as this project like all of her writing is a very real and intense look at life, relationship, God, and a walk of holiness and brokenness. Listen to Daniele's project at discrevolt and find both these albums at: outoftheworldrecords, glenclark, and Grrrrecords. .

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