Amongst The Deceit | en

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The Austrian Death Metal Entity AMONGST THE DECEIT was formed in Salzburg/Austria in
2008. The two founding members and guitarists Steve and Johan originated from bands with
quite different styles. Shortly after writing some material, Martyn (Bass) and Thorn (Vocals)
joined the band. Soon it was clear that the music had to be a mixture of all kinds of
extreme metal played with the utmost care and passion, a combination of sick blast beats and
double bass madness, devastating death/THRASH/black riffs, technical abilty and melodic
solos. Things seemed to go well except the not yet occupied position behind the drum kit. After
a hard and unsuccessful search for a blast machine the band decided to write their material
first before engaging a pro drummer for the job. As it would later turn out it had been the right
decision. With Tom |Sic“ Urbanek behind the kit the band was ready to enter the
studios in Oberalm, Austria to finally record their debut album called „Tribulations of Man“.

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