cyber goth | ar

Cyber Goths are truly the antithesis of all that is Goth. They like bright neon colours, worship futurism and technology, and listen to dance music that is as different from Gothic Rock as possible.

So why are they called Goths at all? It could be because the music scene gradually evolved from Industrial, Goth’s experimental electronic cousin. It could be that the lyrics of their preferred music genre (Electronic Body Music, or EBM, eg. VNV Nation) are generally too deep and too depressing for other dance fans. It could be because they have weird hair.

Identifying Cyber Goths is easy: they’ll be the most conspicuous ones in the club with their insane pony falls, goggles, futuristic rave-inspired clothing, towering New Rock platforms, and miscellaneous glowing bits and pieces.

Despite being some of the most lively members of the scene, all other Goths seem to loath this type. Especially the Industrial fans. However, it cannot be denied that the cyber scene is huge now, and is getting ever more popular. .

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