Fabrice Nzeyimana | ar

Fabrice Lig is considered by his peers & techno fans around the globe as a world class producer. He is well known for his particularly funky use of Roland’s sh101 analog synth, and for his particularly emotional and personal melodies and harmonies. There is no doubt that after more than 10 years of teaching himself production processes, complex midi programming and harmonies, Fabrice’s sound is unique and recognisable among the thousands of weekly techno releases. Demonstrations of these skills appear on the crème de la crème of techno labels such as KMS (Kevin Saunderson) & 7th City Records (Dan Bell)...
sound design (danse, theater, installation, performance, video), experimental music. French artist Fabrice Planquette works on electronic and electro-acoustic music since 1995. His name is well-known in the netlabels scene because of his releases on Entity (as Element Act, Acta and FP), Enough Records and others, a multitalented artist for who there's hardly any line of sound-based work that hasn't been covered. His work is related with UNCorporated, Baby Q, Pal Frenak, Eric Languet, La Soufflerie, Marcel Bozonnet, (&) So Weiter... .