moof | ar

Smoof Sally Purcell (aka Smoof) had her first track released at the end of 2008 and, since then, she has had a steady stream of releases. In the last year, she has started to attract a wider audience and has a growing fan-base from around the globe. Her love of electronic music started back in the late 90s. Clubs such as The End, The Cross, (both now sadly closed), DC10 and Fabric, plus a stream of more underground parties, have all helped shape her musical tastes and direction. An already competent musician, she started to seriously set her sights on...
Electro-pop duo Schmoof write catchy tunes about the important things in life: chocolate, pulling on tube trains and murdering unfaithful farmers. Their long-awaited second album 'The Glamour' was released in April 2007. Schmoof's debut UK single,'Chocolate Boyfriend', featuring remixes by Starlet DJs, Fake ID and Menlo Park, secured a raft of airplay & press, including the front cover of Metro newspaper on the day of release in Sept 2006. Tracks from their debut album 'Bedroom Disco', released on Austrian label Angelika Kohlermann, received daily radio airplay across Europe and USA. Schmoof's saucy live show (which they regularly tour around the...