Miina | ar

Amiina is a name used by several artists, including: 1. An Icelandic strings group. 2. amiinA, a Japanese female idol duo. 1. Originally a string quartet formed by four girls (Edda Rún Ólafsdóttir, Hildur Ársælsdóttir, María Huld Markan Sigfúsdóttir and Sólrún Sumarliðadóttir) at the Reykjavík College of Music in the late 1990s, Amiina went on to cut its teeth as Sigur Rós' string section for the next decade. Now a sextet after a recent masculine infusion, Amiina released its second full length album, Puzzle, in September 2010. Amiina's debut album, Kurr (2007), was performed on a disparate jumble of instruments...
Miina Härma (February 9, 1864 – November 16, 1941) was a widely-recognised composer and one of the greatest contributors to the music of Estonia. She was Estonia's second musician with higher education. Her greatest contribution is perhaps the fact that she took organ music to the countryside, as virtually no skilled organists gave concerts outside of towns. During her 60-year period of creativity, she wrote more than 200 choral songs, 10 cavatinas, a canto, "Kalev and Linda" and much more. Most of her works were forms of vocal music, rather than instrumentals. .