Ariel Camacho Y Los Plebes Del Rancho | ar

osué Luque Chulito Camacho es uno de los máximos exponentes del creciente movimiento dancehall reggae de nuestro país. A su prolífica labor como compositor y productor de ritmos se le suma su conocida originalidad como letrista y dj , que es el nombre que reciben los cantantes de este tipo reggae de la pista de baile que se emparenta con un estilo cercano al rap por la rapidez de sus ritmos y la temática urbana de sus líricas. Todo lo que podemos escuchar en Kinky Music es resultado de las nuevas vivencias de las que se ha empapado el artista...
Pedro Macedo Camacho is an award-winning composer for video games and interactive media. He recently won the Best Audio Award in 2010 Dutch Game Awards due to his work on Fairytale Fights and the IGF 2008 Excellence in Audio Award due to his work on the game Audiosurf. Pedro Camacho started learning composition with the talented Argentinean maestro and composer Roberto Pérez in his home city's Conservatoire and Arts School. After two years he moved to Lisbon where he continued his studies in the National Conservatoire in Lisbon for another four rewarding years with one the best composers and teachers...
Arielle Dombasle (born Arielle Laure Maxime Sonnery de Fromental on April 27, 1958 in Norwich, Connecticut) is a French-American singer, actress, director and model. Her breakthrough roles were in Éric Rohmer's Pauline at the Beach (1983) and Alain Robbe-Grillet's The Blue Villa (1995). She became known to American audiences through her appearances on Miami Vice and the 1984 miniseries Lace. .
وجدت 84 الأغاني, المدة الزمنية: 04:40:22
Los 2 Amantes Y Catarina Y Los Rurales
Los 2 Amantes Y Catarina Y Los Rurales