Frei Vicente | ar

Nelson Freitas is born and raised in the Netherlands, with creativity and talent he constantly tries to refresh the world of Zouk music. Barely a teenager, Freitas learned to entertain through the art of hip-hop and throughout the years the flexibility of his talent allowed him to flow with changing vibes of the music industry. Once a break-dancer, then the front man of the infamous group Quatro Plus, a producer, a writer, a singer, engineer and now he is the owner of GhettoZouk Music, a label created by Nelson Freitas with artists as Chelsy Shantel & William araujo. With his...
Nasceu no bairro de Santa Teresa, filho de italianos da Calábria. Dos seis homens (eram onze irmãos), cinco dedicaram-se ao canto e um ao teatro (Amadeu Celestino[1]). Desde os 8 anos, por causa de sua origem humilde, Celestino teve de trabalhar: sapateiro, vendedor de peixe, jornaleiro e, já rapaz, chefe de seção numa indústria de calçados. Começou cantando para conhecidos e era fã de Enrico Caruso. Antes do teatro cantava muito em festas, serenatas e chopes-cantantes. Estreou profissionalmente cantando a valsa Flor do Mal no teatro São José e fez muito sucesso e também entrou no seu primeiro disco vendendo...
Long, long ago, (not long ago-circa 2006) in the distant land of Madison, Wisconsin, three men of substance with a single vision took it upon themselves to forge some rock & roll on the heavy metal anvil. And being men, and having the needs of men (yet the distinct aftertaste of boy) they wanted it hard, mean, and frighteningly angular. Like, enough to make your adopted children weep when they retrospectively are forced to watch how you lost your ability to father young-uns. It all began after guitarist / vocalist Travis Andrews and bassist Jason Braatz awkwardly bumbled out of...
وجدت 4 الأغاني, المدة الزمنية: 09:06
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