Kalu | ar

Seiring dengan maraknya genre Death Metal di tanah air, gagasan untuk mendirikan Kaluman dimulai dari perbincangan ringan antara Ferly ( Jasad ) dan Amenk ( Disinfected ) pada pertengahan tahun 2011. Ide ini muncul ketika hampir semua band Death Metal di Bandung hanya terkunci pada konsep musik yang selalu mengutamakan bermain tempo cepat sehingga semuanya hampir sama dan kurang variant. Bulan April 2012 proses recruitment personil mulai dilakukan, diantaranya adalah Daniel dari Turbidity, Lukluk dari Bleeding Corpse, dan Abaz dari Undergod / Jasad. Bulan Mei 2012 mereka sepakat untuk membuat satu konsep musik yang enak untuk didengar dan dipresentasikan diatas...
Kalumet (Zoltan Vajda) started his musical career in 1993 as a bass player in a school band. One year later he attended his first electronic dance party and his interests turned toward contemporary electronic music. When his band splitted up, he got a computer and started to create his own sounds with acoustic and electronic instruments such as guitars, percussions, synths, and of course the computer. His first tracks were trance, dub, breakbeat and jazzy jungle tunes. In the same time he and his friends founded a party promoter and dj collective project called Alapzaj (Basic Noise). The group was...
AGIKAKALUNA! (also: agikakaluna!) is a chiptune artist based in Germany who started making chiptunes in 2008. He is a former member of Moon Tiara Action, where he mostly played the drums, but also contributed a few chiptunes and played keyboard. Most of his tracks are composed and performed completely on first-generation Gameboys. also check out his Facebook page for updates: www.facebook.com/agikakaluna .
Kalu James is a Nigerian singer/songwriter/soul artist. He currently lives in Austin,tx & is backed up with a band He has 2 albums(The Way I Feel & Dim The Lights) that could be found on Itunes, Cdbaby and other internet stores. offical website is www.kalujames.com www.myspace.com/kalujames .