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Rosenborg is the leading football (soccer) team in Norway at the time. Located in Trondheim. .
While this is definitely not some undiscovered classic on the order of a Can, Faust or Neu! (or even the more obscure likes of Siloah, Kalacakra, Necronomicon, etc.) it is pretty cool. And weird. Especially weird. Imagine Reynols or Yahowha 13 gone lounge, trying to entertain a bunch of jet-setters at some hip, swinging '60s party... It's called Fantastic Party after all and that's what it was meant as, a party record! Some cheesy German record label in 1970 put this together, presumably paying (with drugs?) a bunch of studio musicians to create a one-off psychedelic exploitation album by a...
Tom Holkenborg, aka Junkie XL, is a Grammy nominated and multi platinum producer, musician, and composer whose versatility puts him on the cutting edge of contemporary music, as well at the vanguard of exciting new film composers. His film scoring credits include Mad Max Fury Road, Deadpool, Black Mass, Divergent, Brimstone and the forthcoming Dark Tower and Tomb Raider. Tom is able to draw on his extensive knowledge of classical forms and structures while keeping one finger planted firmly on the pulse of popular music. When this eclectic background is paired with his skill as a multi-instrumentalist (he plays keyboards,...
AussenBorder... ... das ist St. Pauli, Elbe, Hamburg und eine gehörige Portion rauer Charme. AussenBorder singen vom Hamburger Berg und der U-Bahnlinie 2, von nervigen Touristen und manchmal auch von Liebeskummer. Seit 1999 machen Patrick, Peter und Kay Musik zwischen Pop und Punk mit deutschen Texten, "Bratpop" nennen sie das. Mit ihrem Song »Hamburger Berg« schrieben sie eine Hymne für ihre Heimat, den Hamburger Kiez. Die aktuelle CD. »Wann kommt die Nacht« enthält dreizehn deutschsprachige Songs. Patrick singt direkt, deutlich und klar, so wie er es fühlt. »Authentizität ist für uns das Wichtigste. Wir sind echt, unsere Musik ist echt...