WormZ | ar

Harshstyle Riko - Vocals, Production Drago - Live gears WormZ project born in april 2009 from an idea of Riko and Pukkia, original former member, to mix sounds like Ayria and Zombie Girl from Pukkia to the harddance background of Riko. Soon the sound became harder influenced with hardstyle, the lyrics started to speak about cyberpunk themes, of evolution through revolution and transhumanism. In winter 2009 Drago, also live member of Alien Vampires, joins the band carrying his love for harsh sounds and his live experience. In june 2010 Pukkia left the band. Now, after a lot of brainstorming, Riko...
diRTy WoRMz were formulated, plotted and instigated in the year 2001. The band was the brainchild of Smackola and DJ Crash, hip hop artists who wanted to rock harder and louder than anything Austin, TX had ever seen. The legend began with the release of the first diRTy WORMz CD, The Infektion. Featuring an all star lineup from the local rock and hip hop communities, The Infektion was a regional best seller for years to come. diRTy WoRMz quickly evolved into one of the most devastating live acts in Texas, leaving scores of scorched musicians in their wake. dWz was...
وجدت 183 الأغاني, المدة الزمنية: 10:39:57
Wormz on day
Right Now
Big Bad Ass
Red Queen
Slave to the godfuel
Umbrella Corporation
Spread out into space
Never Stop To Hit
I Need New Parts
Right Now
Black Piranha
Fall Asleep (WormZ Remix)
Pong (WormZ Remix)
Full Clipz
Umbrella Corporation
Dirty Weather
WormZ 2011
3 550 000 000
God of War
Bloody Slumber Party Nation
Live Wire
The Fire
Suck The Poison In (Wormz remix)
Colera (WormZ remix)
Right Now
Left Syde of the Brain
Turn It Up (ТМ)
12. Outbreak
The Hate (That Hate Made)