Paulinho Da Viola | ar

Violator was formed in early 2002 by a group of friends keen on playing the old thrash metal, and it has always been like this. Four thrash maniacs - Pedro “Poney Ret” (vc/bs), Pedro Capaça (gt), Márcio “Cambito” (gt) and David Araya (dr) - crazy about Vio-lence, Whiplash and Exodus that breath the spirit and the ways of old school metal. After a live rehearsal demo (Killer Instinct - 2002), two underground compilations (Metalvox … 1 e Fast Food Thrash Metal both from 2003) and plenty of gigs in all the dirty holes, from Distrito Federal and neighborhoods, Violator got...
Violadores del Verso (Spanish: Verse Violators or Verse Rapists), also known as Doble V, are a rap music crew from Zaragoza, Spain. They used the name Doble V but were forced to return to their original long name due to legal issues (Doble V is also the trademark of a Spanish whiskey). The band members are MCs Kase-O, Lírico, Hate (AKA Maestro Sho Hai) and DJ R de Rumba. Violadores del Verso started off in 1998 in Zaragoza, Spain. They were initially 5 mc's, but Brutal (Kase.O's brother) left the group. In 1999 they published their first LP like a...
Em 1971 surgiu em Pernambuco um grupo musical que traçava um novo caminho para a MPB. Diante da indecisão no cenário da música nacional, após a irrupção do movimento tropicalista, o QUINTETO VIOLADO apresentava uma proposta fundamentada nos elementos musicais da cultura regional, através de trabalhos de pesquisa e da própria vivência de cada um dos seus integrantes, originários da região Nordeste do Brasil. Conseguindo extrair das mais simples manifestações populares a sua essência rítmica e melódica, o Grupo criou uma nova concepção musical, cujo traço fundamental é a interação entre o erudito e o popular, sem desfiguração, reafirmando a...
Viola is the name of three artists: 1) Viola is a Finnish indie rock band that have been playing their dramatic, melancholic and bittersweet, yet hopeful pop music since the turn of the millennium. More information about Viola at their website, / 2) Viola is an Italian singer, Violante Placido (she is also an actress, daughter of Michele Placido). Her music is pop-rock, taking elements by Beatles, Suzanne Vega. 3)Viola (full name Viola Sykes) is an American gospel and house music vocalist from Plainfield, New Jersey USA. She is well known for her inspirational club hit "Little Girl"....
Paulo Artur Mendes Pupo Nogueira, or just Paulinho Nogueira (1929-2002), was an eclectic Brazilian composer and musician, with influences of Bossa Nova and classical music. A talented guitarist, in 1969 he designed a new musical instrument for himself: the Craviola, that later would be produced in a large scale and sold worldwide. .