Afka | ar

AFKA is a collaboration between singer/songwriter Aafke Kloppenburg and musician/producer Adriano DiTamorra that began in 2011. Based in Rotterdam, Netherlands, AFKA released the debut EP 'Thunder in our heart' in Feburary 2012. Band Members: Vocals: Aafke Gitaar, synth, samples: Adriano DiTamorra Drums, SPD: Marcial Garcia Facebook Page / Official Site .
Kafka Prosess was a hardcore punk band that rose from the ashes of Svart Framtid and Bannlyst in 1985. The band was closely affiliated with the Blitz squat in Oslo, Norway. They toured europe twice, had songs on compilation tapes and records from all over the world and released a split 12" with the british hardcore band Disorder. Due to indifferences the band broke up in 1987 and the members continued with bands such as So Much Hate, Raga Rockers and Within Range. .
Kafkas sind eine 1995 in Fulda gegründete Punkrock-Band, die die Meinung vertritt, dass jedes auf der Erde geborene Lebewesen ein möglichst schmerzfreies und unversehrtes Leben führen sollen kann, egal welcher Abstammung, Rasse, Spezies und welchen Geschlechts es ist. Deshalb sind sie überzeugte Vegetarier bzw. Veganer und besingen Vegetarismus auch in vielen ihrer Texte (u.A. Vegetarier können nicht tanzen"; "Ihr Blut ist ein gutes Geschäft!). Sie spielen nach eigener Aussage PunkRock ohne Lederjacke und Hardcore ohne Muskeln. .
1) Kafka (카프카) is a Korean trip hop band that released a self titled debut album on SoulShop in 2004. 2) Kafka is also a jazz/folk/world music band from Brisbane, Australia. 3) Kafka are a four-member Italian hardcore band formed in 1994 and disbanded in May 2006. They appeared on a lot of compilations, released four LPs and made some splits and 7". 4)Kafka is also a Portugese Post-Punk experimental band with some passing similarities Death In June. 5) Kafka is also a Brazilian post-punk band, from the 80's. 6) Kafka is also a Swedish synthpop band from the 90's....
Franz Kafka (3 July 1883 - 3 June 1924) was one of the major writers of the 20th century. He was born to a middle-class Jewish, German speaking family in Prague, Czechia. His unique body of writing - much of which is incomplete and was published posthumously - is among the most influential in Western literature. His stories, such as The Metamorphosis (1915), and novels, including The Trial (1925) and The Castle (1926), concern troubled individuals in a nightmarishly impersonal and bureaucratic world. .