Paavo ja Zephyr | ar

There is more than one artist with this name. 1. The original Zephyr was formed in Boulder, Colorado in late winter of 1969 when Candie and David Givens of the band Brown Sugar joined with Tommy Bolin and John Faris of the band Ethereal Zephyr. They acquired drummer Robbie Chamberlin and went on to record their first album with ABC Probe in 1970, their second with Warner Brothers in 1971, and their third, SUNSET RIDE, following the departure of all but Candie and David, again with Warner Brothers. This last album features a less bluesy and more country/folk side of...
Folk-black metal band from Greece. Discography: - 1994 - Entrance and Wandering on the seven Zones (demo) - 1995 - Vorphalack / Zephyrous (split with Vorphalack) - 1998 - A Caress of War and Wisdom - 1999 - Towards... .
There are 2 bands with that name: 1) A British beat band, originally called The Clee-Shays. The Zephyrs' records were produced by Shel Talmy, the man behind The Who's early recordings. Their releases never sold in any great numbers and when Mick Jagger was widely quoted as "hating" one of their interpretations of a Bo Diddley song, they were more or less finished. 2) The Zephyrs are Scottish brothers Stuart and David Nicol along with Gordon Kilgour. The make shoegaze and psychadelic infuenced melancholic rock music with obvious influences by bands like Slowdive and Low and some post-rock influences as...
Paavoharju comes from Savonlinna, Finland where brothers Lauri and Olli Ainala met Emmi Uimonen, Jenni Koivistoinen and some other people. Paavoharju's music is outcome of long time, intense study of art and literature, dreams, religious despair and living in dark abandoned places. The sound is something between Bollywood music, church hymns, beautiful pop tunes and ambient esoteric noises. The music is unlike anything heard on this planet yet still oddly comforting. Paavoharju released Yhä hämärää in 2005 and a follow-up Laulu laakson kukista was released in 2008. .
وجدت 1 الأغاني, المدة الزمنية: 02:58