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新興宗教楽団NoGoD | ar

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Vo: 団長 -Danchou- (ex-Dagger Remain as 康太郎 -Kotarou-)
Ba: 華凛 -Karin-
Gu: Shinno (ex-Demaria → ディマリア → ギフト)
Gu: Kyrie
Dr: K

Former Members:
Gu:アキ -aki-(ex-Dagger Remain as YOSHI → 新興宗教楽団NoGoD → Miss Jelly Fish → now in PIECElang → -dist-)
Ba: KANA (ex-Dagger Remain→ 新興宗教楽団NoGoD → now in PIECElang)
Gu: 想夢 -Soumu- (ex-新興宗教楽団NoGoD → ホテルシニガミ → FeaDior → End;Re)

新興宗教楽団NoGoD was formed in Tokyo, Japan in March 2005, but the first 6-7 months the band spent practicing and planning -- or, as they call it themselves, 'experimentally propagating daily'. The band seems to have been Danchou's idea and during the 6-7 months he assumedly gathered the other members around him. They worked and practised in silence to be able to start with full power starting from the beginning rather than start half-assedly and gradually become better.

Finally on the 19th of October 2005, NoGoD had their first live with the present line-up. After less than a month, they were ready to release their first single, 「君に贈る不器用で身勝手な詩」 [Kimi ni Okiru Bukiyou de Migattena Shi]. The rest of 2005 and the beginning of 2006, NoGoD spent doing lives with various other small bands in different live houses all over Tokyo, until on the 24th of February, they released a mini-album called 「天罰円盤」 [Tenbatsu Enban]. NoGoD didn't slow down but in less than two months, on the 9th of April, NoGoD came out with a new single, 「櫻/君は月を掴む」 [Sakura / Kimi wa Tsuki wo Tsukamu]. In June they appeared on the Loop of Live VI Various Artists compilation album with the song "No God" and released a live-only CD which contained only one track, called 「この世界に見放されても」 [Kono Sekai ni Mihanasaretemo].
On July 12th, they released the first single of their two months' consecutive release campaign. The single was called 「赫布教」 [Ifukyou]. The second single was released on August 30th and it was called 「黒布教」 [Kurofukyou].
On December 6th, the band released their second mini-album, Kanna Fukyou. It was released in two versions, one with a bonus song, and one with a DVD containing a fictional story about how NoGoD was formed, and a PV.
A few months later, on May 9th, their next single was released, Atria, which was the last release by NoGoD with Aki as a member. After the one man on April 28th, Aki announced that he was going to leave NoGoD after July 24th. On July 28th their new guitarist was revealed; Shinno, a former member of Gift.
Soon after, on August 8th, they released a new single, Ten. And on September 26th, the single Batsu was released.
In January 2008, the band announced that they were going to release their first full-length album, Mugenkyou, on April 9th, as well as a single on February 16th that would only be available through lives, Saikou no Sekai / Shirasagi.
In April 2008, the band released their first studio album, 「夢幻教」(Mugenkyō, Dream Teachings), which reached #6 on the Oricon Indies chart.
In February 2009, the band released their second studio album, 「極彩色」(Gokusaishiki, Richly Colored).
In November 2009, vocalist Danchou announced that the band would be making their major debut. On June 9, 2010, Nogod released their first major single,「カクセイ」(Kakusei, Awakening), under King Records. The song was used as the ending theme for Chūkyō TV's Futtonda.
On August 4, 2010, Nogod released its first major album, 「欠片」 (Kakera, Fragments), in Japan and Europe. The band kicked off a one-man tour to promote their album in Taiwan; they followed up the show with other performances throughout Tokyo.
NoGoD was featured in Crush! -90's V-Rock Best Hit Cover Songs- and covered Siam Shade's song 1/3の純情な感情 ("1/3 no Junjou na Kanjou"). Compilation was released on January 26, 2011. .

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