Sneak Preview | ar

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Sneak Preview is an early incarnation of King's X, featuring all three members. They released one self-titled LP in 1983 before becoming King's X.

Sneak Previews Neil Taylor went on to work with the Steve Jones the bassist from another well know Bristol Band called Recorded Delivery and complied a Demo that created interest from some 14 record labels - the project was called Violent Blue, but before this concluded, Neil was invited to work with Tears for Fears, you can distinuish his playing on the out-tro on "Everybody wants to rule the world".

He now plays in Robbie Williams band and can be found on and

"Neil Taylor has worked with many artist including... Robbie Williams, Morrissey, Tears For Fears, Tina Turner, Rod Stewart, Peter Gabriel, Natalie Imbruglia and many more. Listen to the guitar on 'Everybody Wants to Rule The World ' or' Women in Chains' [Tears For Fears], 'Rock DJ', 'Come Undone', 'Feel' and 'Kids' [Robbie Williams]...'International Playboys'[Morrissey], Steamy Windows' [Tina Turner] and Rush hour..[Jane Weidlin]

Neil has been Robbie Williams guitarist since 2002 and has worked on all his albums since "Sing While Your Winning' ..When working on 'Escapology' Neil was asked to join the band......"I was overjoyed to become part of Rob's band.. i could'nt believe don't get any better than this. Neil has recently been writing and recording with Lisa Marie Presley". .