Nebular Mystic | ar

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Nebular Mystic is a black metal band hailing from Norway. The band has released one album, "Necrotic" (2005), and is currently working on the follow-up album. Nebular Mystic plays brutal and intense old school black metal.

Adhramalech (vocals) and Morfahnus (guitars) started Nebular Mystic in the winter of 1999. They recorded the first demo, "Taakeriket", the same summer and made their first live appearance in the fall of 1999. Dis (bass) joined in late summer 1999 to help them out with the gig. Valdr (Alsvartr and DHG) joined forces with the trio in early 2000 to take care of the drums. He brought with him Mjødulv (Alsvartr) and the band was complete. Since then there have been a number of changes in the line-up. The current line-up is:

Morgoth - drums
Mjødulv -guitar
Morfahnus - guitar
Decepticon - bass
Dis - vocals

The band recorded a few demos before the release of "Necrotic" in 2005. Nebular Mystic has also appeared at a number of festivals and clubs in Norway and Europe.

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