Kilimanjaro | ar

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Several ensembles have been using the name Kilimanjaro.

The most prominent is an improvisational jazz project formed by members of the now defunct band As Tall As Lions. The members are:
Saen Fitzgerald - Guitar
Julio Tavarez - Bass
Cliff Sarcona - Drums
Duncan Toothill - Trumpet and keys

Another is a four piece thrash core band from Syracuse NY

The third one is a two dozen or so project based in Philadelphia, PA. The group was called together to produce soundtracks to some of Jonathan Olshefski's moving photo essays about the disenfranchised in Philadelphia called Whispers In the Storm ( The group includes various members from many Philadelphia-based bands as well as other friends playing music, video art, collaborative installations, and pot-luck performances.

Recently, a danish duo have taken up the moniker as well, a postdubstep project created by Patrick Bech-Madsen & Aron Lank Jensen, Kilimanjaro has already started to experience increased exposure and have recently played at events in support of acts such as Caribou (though, such his was a DJ set) and Lou Van as well as collaborating with Hors. .

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