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Heet Seas | ar

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Official blog : http://heetseas.blogspot.com

Heet Seas is a Progressive / Industrial Rock band founded in 2005, in Amiens, by the « Ynk » & « Bat » brothers. Since the first album, the band has always chosen free broadcasting for its music.

First called « Heat Thieves » (then for a short time « HT2 »), and after several line-up changes around the two foundators, the band was eventually renamed as « Heet Seas », an open-meaning name that conveys an idea of « Warm Waters », but also gives way to the multitude of concepts, themes and story tackled in the lyrics. In 2007, Heet Seas came up with its definitive line-up, along with JL for guitars and Vyküü for bass guitars.

In a first time, Heet Seas was based upon cinematic instrumental experiments, but then naturally came to propose a kind of industrial metal, before quickly refining to a style that borrows elements from two opposed genres, that are progressive Rock and New Wave.

The first two albums, [1] and [2], were simultaneously released in December 2008 ; [1] introduces a small concept with a typical electro-indus sound, whereas [2] brings us into an eclectic, dark and eccentric journey. In June 2009, a compilation of instrumentals tracks originally released under the name of « Ynk » was out, and was followed in December by [3], an even darker, heavier and more melodic album.

All Heet Seas’ albums are avalaible for free download at http://www.jamendo.com/fr/artist/Heet_Seas. .

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