Fiaba | ar

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Fiaba (Italian for "Fable") is a rock band from Siracusa, Sicily, Italy, formed in 1991. They combine complex drumming and straight guitar riffs with an operatic voice which tells fairy tales based on medieval folklore.

The band was founded in the early 1990s by drummer and songwriter Bruno Rubino. He started to gather together a few musicians he met in the past, looking just like him for a new sound. Soon Fiaba are noticed by specialized press; they receive contract offers from various labels, among which the German label W.M.M.S. and the Swiss label Whitchhunt, but they decided to sign with Mellow Records in 1993. It is time for "XII L' appiccato" (released in May 1994), their first CD, that proves them soon as one of the most interesting bands in the contemporary rock scene.
In 1996 they signed a new contract with Pick-up records, that helps them to release the second album "Il cappello ha tre punte". Then Fiaba recorded the track "La gemma nel pozzo" included in the compilation "Il suono sotto la cenere" dedicated to the new Italian rock scenes, published by Ricordi Mediastore.
In September 2001 their thrid album is released, a concept album called "Lo sgabello del rospo"(Lizard-Audioglobe). In 2002 the French filmaker Marc Faye made a documentary about Fiaba, following them on stage for several months. During the same year Fiaba sign a new contract with PCFILM, owned by Pierluigi Cavarra, with whose collaboration they film their new DVD "I sogni di Marzia", long videoclip based on the same-titled suite that was part of their first album, and that has become during the years a true cult piece in the band's shows. This artistic collaboration with PCFILM will lead to the making of the videoclip "Scerrinath il fiore delle bugie"(2004) and to their first double (CD+DVD) work, called "I racconti del giullare cantore"(2005), that contains the videoclip for the opening track "Angelica e il folletto del salice".

It is impossible to define the sound of Fiaba, their music is unique; and even if they sing in Italian, they are very far from every other Italian musical phenomenon. Their music, cutting and expressive, uses celtic-medieval sounds, geeting close to folk-mediterranean melodies. It supports well the intense and meaningful lyrics. Through metaphors and allegories, the fairytale becomes the background to display reflections about never otu of fashion topics, while the music itself creates a fairytale-like feeling.

Fiaba have an intense live activity too, and are very appreciated for their awesome shows, in which they use a unique scenery that has been created especially for them. During August 2004 they have been the special guests of the only Italian gig of the former Marillion singer, FISH.
Fiaba are currently recording a new single called "Il Lustrastelle" inspired by a tale written by the great French author Claude Clement. This single will proudly bear on its cover an illustration of the Swiss illustrator JOHN HOWE well known creator of graphical settings and characters for the kolossal "The Lord of the Rings". The video will be shoot in a higly suggestive set on the Isle of Malta.

2005 starts with various TV shows and Radio shows hosting Fiaba, and they gather fame and compliments especially for their latest audio/video works, "I racconti del giullare cantore" and "Angelica e il folletto del salice".
At the end of 2007 Fiaba released "Il bambino coi sonagli" the sequel of the famous suite "I Sogni di Marzia".

Official site: .

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