Dormant Ordeal | ar

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Initially as a one man project of band's current drummer, Dormant Ordeal wrote first page of its discography by "Demo I" released in 2005. Next year brought another entry on the list - demo CD of "Rotten Hearts". As the time went by, new musicians went on board. Some left, some stayed, until the year 2009 when project became the actual, fully functional band. The very same year, band performed its first ever show in cracovian club Underworld, what eventually sealed the beginning of a whole new chapter. Thousands of blastbeats later, in October/November 2009, first promotional Dormant Ordeal release "More to Come" reached the surface. On March 17th 2013, debut album "It Rains, It Pours" was released.

Dormant Ordeal is:
Maciej Nieścioruk - guitar/vocal
Radek Kowal - drums
Maciek Proficz - vocal
Kacper Działdowski - bass .

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