Devil-May-Care | ar

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Devil-May-Care is a Russian Melodic Black Metal band - formed in Michurinsk, Tambov in the end of August 1999 by Ilya Durnen, who previously played in Gothic Sky as a pianist however, decided to appeal to a new approach with less vampric themes and a more traditional Russian Black Metal sound.

Devil-May-Care pertains to a primitive Melodic Black Metal band sound with a handful of harmonic minor and diminished patterns - similar to bands such as Black Countess, Rossomahaar etc. Although Ilya resides as a pianist, he also strives as a vocalist to perfect his visionary sound.

Other original member(s) include; Scum as a guitarist but, leaves the band in 2003 for unknown reasons. After undergoing several lineups a new member; Diesel joined in 2009 as a bassist. The group was nearly complete with their current lineup. In addition to the entrance of Spawn, who replaced Scum as a guitarist and Elena as a female vocalist. The drums were covered with Ilya's computer programs.

In November 2002, Devil-May-Care took apart in the Tambovski Folk Metal Festival. Devil-May-Care lead themselves through the Black Metal community by offering some of their rehearsal songs in Michurinsk at their Metalfest tour, in 2001.

Whilst being motivated from their reputation after their concerts, they began recording an album in July 2001 at Scum Records studios and eventually call their album "Awe" - after completing it in March 2002. This is their first full-length, which was released through their one album contract with Stygian Crypt Productions. The album was literally released on December of 2003.

Devil-May-Care released their most recent album entitled "Wrong Life Philosophy" in 2007 and was released with their own studio on Irond Ltd. records. They remain touring after, which has furthered their success as a well achieved in scene of Russian Black Metal, Melodic Black Metal and various other groups and they're notably preferred by Symphonic Black Metal fans.

Additional Notes: Ilya also does synthesizers. The album "Awe" was re-released in 2008 with a completely new album cover by Diesel and they still linger upon the label; Irond Ltd. and scum managed the original release of Awe. The song Morrigan (Illusory Queen of War) is used a promotional music video on Iron Ltd. .

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