Rob Wasserman, Edie Brickell and Jerry Garcia | zh

Geraldo Rivera Rodriguez was born on July 31, 1973. Jerry is originally from Humacao, Puerto Rico, but he grew up in Levittown, near Toa Baja on the central northern coast of the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. Siblings include Saned, Edwin, Ito, and José, who all have careers in salsa (one of his brothers was with Puerto Rican Power). In an interview with Maria Conchita Alonso (for "Al día con Maria Conchita"), Jerry talks about how sure his father was that he would succeed. His parents, also musicians, inspired him to become a musician and as a child he would...
Jerry Douglas (born in Warren, Ohio on May 28, 1956) is an American Dobro player. He is best known for his bluegrass recordings with other prominent musicians such as J. D. Crowe and the New South, Béla Fleck, Tony Rice, and Alison Krauss and Union Station. He has released several solo albums and has been featured in over 750 recordings throughout his musical career. Douglas often plays Scheerhorn resonator guitars, built with an open soundwell and solid wood for huge volume. Jerry has received twelve Grammy Awards in recognition of his talent. Source:Wikipedia - Jerry Douglas JERRY DOUGLAS Traveler bio...
Mungo Jerry is an English folk/classic rock group from Ashford, Englandwhose greatest success was in the early 1970s, though they have continued throughout the years with an ever-changing line-up, always fronted by Ray Dorset. They are remembered above all for their hit "In the Summertime". It remains their most successful and most instantly recognisable song. Their name was inspired by the poem Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer, from T. S. Eliot's Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats. According to Joseph Murrell's "The Book of Golden Discs" (1978), 'Mungomania' was possibly the most startling and unpredicted pop phenomenon to hit Britain since The...
杰瑞·李·刘易斯,1935年出生于美国路易斯安那州的费里德,是一位白人摇滚乐手。他出生于南方小城镇的穷苦人家,从小受节奏布鲁斯和福音歌的影响,习惯用12小节的布鲁斯结构和布吉-乌吉式的钢琴演奏。刘易斯擅长表现快速的硬摇滚歌曲,表演姿态十分花哨,弹琴时总有各种不同的身体动作与之配合。 刘易斯在婚姻问题上的越轨行为(多次不合法的婚姻)断送了他的音乐前程。他在摇滚乐界的时间虽然不长,但影响却很大。他独特地结合了乡村音乐和节奏布鲁斯,他的钢琴风格、演唱风格,甚至生活方式都影响了同时代人和后来人。他一直想成为摇滚乐之王,但这梦想却断送在自己的手里。 Jerry Lee Lewis以美妙的歌喉、精湛的钢琴技艺、出色的舞台表现力著称于世,但他在性格方面的缺陷也同样出名,他不但曾是个酗酒者和瘾君子,还屡次惹出重婚和非法使用枪械等麻烦(他的绰号“killer”看来不是浪得虚名),所以虽然他才华横溢,却未能取得像猫王一样的成就。不过他自己倒是很看得开,他说:“猫王是最伟大的,而我是最棒的”。 .
Medieval Steel are an American epic metal band from Memphis, TN, which was formed in 1982. The band released a self-titled EP in 1984, a demo in 1989 and a compilation album, "The Dungeon Tapes", in 2005. This album contains all of the tracks from the aforementioned EP plus newly recorded songs. .
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