The Saltshakers | pt

Building on the promise of their 2004 EP A Beautiful Mess and its soaring single "Amplified," the Saltshakers' debut album Up All Night is an ass-shaking collection of blazing, insistent power-pop - a testament to the joyful escapism at the heart of rock'n'roll. While love is often fleeting, youth passes in a blink, and hangovers seem eternal, the songs on this collection suggest that if you can find some friends and sing and dance the night away, then tonight is all that matters. Opening anthem "Believe" careens along in the Replacements tradition as Chad Curtis sings, "I don't know why...
Encontrado 2 canções, duração: 10:10
The Saltshaker (Solnicata) (vip 2012)
MNML Needs - The Saltshaker (2009 год)