Capella Gregoriana | nl

The Nova Schola Gregoriana is a group that has devoted itself to the study of Gregorian chant during the course of the last forty (?) years, basing its work on the research of scholars such as Dom Eugene Cardine, Dom Jean Claires, Luigi Agustoni and of the present artistic director, Alberto Turco. The Schola has won international critical acclaim for its performances, with participation in the festivals of Paris, Avignon, Avila, Cuenca, Como, Pomposa and Arona among others, with concerts throughout Italy, France, Switzerland and Greece, and tours in Japan and the United States of America. The ensemble performed at...
La Capella Reial de Catalunya was created in Barcelona in 1987 by its conductor Jordi Savall as a group of soloist singers whose aim is to make the repertoire of Catalan historical music and, by extension, that of Spanish and other music widely known throughout the world. La Capella Reial de Catalunya often performs with Le Concert des Nations, a period instrument group also founded and conducted by Savall. .