Judy Shire | ja

JUDY AND MARY(ジュディ アンド マリー は、日本のロックバンド。略称は「ジュディマリ」あるいは「JAM」。 1992年にYUKI(Vo)、藤本泰司(Gt)、恩田快人(Ba)の3人で結成される。1993年に藤本泰司(Gt)に代わりTAKUYA(Gu)が加入し、サポートメンバーだった五十嵐公太(Dr)が正式メンバーとなりシングル『POWER OF LOVE』でメジャーデビュー。1995年にシングル『Over Drive』でブレイク、1996年にシングル『そばかす』がオリコンチャート初登場1位を獲得。その後にも『クラシック』や『散歩道』などヒット曲を出し続け、1998年には「紅白歌合戦」に出場。 約1年間の休止の後、2000年に活動再開。しかし後の話し合いにより解散が決定。2001年3月8日の東京ドームライブを最後に解散した。解散発表と同時にワタナベノブタカとの共同プロデュースによる2年8ヵ月ぶりのラストアルバム『WARP』が発表された。 .
Cheshire has always found his solace in producing electronic music. Starting with dubstep in 2008 he released the number one selling E.P. "Punk" with "Excisions" Rottun Records, gaining a broad recognition within the genre. Over the past seven years he has developed his production techniques and style arriving recently to a point where bass and glitch meet jazz funk and soul. After two years of travelling the world and gathering inspiration, Cheshire has resided in Melbourne to refine his funk infused Latin laced rhythms. Now working with Adapted Records Cheshire has recently released his second EP developing a fast growing...
One-third of the I-Threes, reggae's most influential female vocal trio, Judy Mowatt helped to turn the last recordings of Bob Marley into enduring classics. Her sensuous harmonies strengthened albums by Peter Tosh, Jimmy Cliff, Big Youth, Pablo Moses, Freddie McGregor, U Roy, and the Wailing Souls. Her solo recordings, including Black Woman in 1980 and Only a Woman, two years later, marked her as a powerful spokesperson for Rastafarian and feminist causes. Mowatt initially attracted attention as lead singer of a vocal trio, the Gaylettes, also known as the Gaytones, that she formed with Beryl Lawrence and Merle Clemonson in...
Delia Ann Derbyshire (5 May 1937 – 3 July 2001) was an English musician and composer of electronic music. She was best known as member of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop and the performer of the original theme song for "Doctor Who" (which was composed for the series by Ron Grainer). She was also a member of the electronic music group White Noise with other BBC Radiophonic Workshop musicians. Born in Coventry, England, Delia Derbyshire was educated at Barr's Hill Grammar School & Girton College (Cambridge). She was awarded a degree in mathematics & music. In 1959, on approaching Decca, Delia...
見つかりました 10 曲, デュレーション: 43:54
Beyond Imagination
Welcome To Hell
One Kiss
Pocus Hocus
The Devils Daughter
We Need Your Blood
Disciples Of Death
The Stars And The Moon