Dispensing of False Halos | es

False es el alias de Mathew Dear para sus eventuales trabajos en m_nus,con djs nuevos desconocidos (T.Stom) .
It's 1:23 a.m. on June 8, 2011, where I am now, which means it's 4:23 a.m. on Long Island, New York. Exactly six years ago, in a quiet parking lot, you may or may not have found me asleep inside the van in which I was living. I was a waiter - often working late and usually going out for a couple of beers after my shift. Some nights, I could catch a shower at the 24-hour gym near work. On others, I would settle for a wipe-down with wet napkins and brushing my teeth with a cup of water....
1. Anti-New World Order harsh noise by Angel Marcloid, AKA Pregnant Spore, Inappropriate King Live, The Human Excuse and Dementia & Hope Trails. There are other bands and projects called False Flag as well, and some of their albums exist here on last.fm, so be sure to differentiate. 2. False Flag is 4-piece hardcore/crust punk band from pune,India. they have released a 3-track rehearsal demo so far and are currently working on an EP FFO old school Swedish/Finnish Hardcore. Badncamp - falseflagindia.bandcamp.com Facebook- www.facebook.com/falseflagindia/ .
The Black Halos es una banda de rock&roll de origen canadiense formada por Rich Jones, Billy Hopeless, Jay Mellette, Rob Zgaljic y Matt Camirand. Comienzan a tocar juntos siguiendo las enseñanzas de New York Dolls, Stooges, Sex Pistols, Dead Boys, Hanoi Rocks... mezclando éstas y más influencias con auténtica energía kinética, que arrastra a la banda desde el sendero de la épica adolescente hasta las malignas tierras del sexo, las drogas y el rock&roll. .
Solar Halos are Nora Rogers, Eddie Sanchez and John Crouch. The Chapel Hill, North Carolina band features current and former members of Horseback, Caltrop, Fin Fang Foom, and The Curtains of Night. .
Encontró 36 canciones, duración: 02:15:41
Which Way to Transparent Blue
Which Way To Transparent Blue
It Does Not Not Hurt
Saving Me, From Me (Growing Up, Giving In / 2004)
All It Would Take
saving me, from me
Dale Earnhardt song (Eric and the floaters)
Snap Shot Memories
which way to transparent blue
Choking Back Your Future Regret
With Prayers And A Scalpel
Which Way To Transparent Blue
The Final Epic (Growing Up, Giving In / 2004)
Dale Earnhardt Song
Choking Back Your Future Regrets
It Was Always Said
Choking Back Your Future Regre
Most Fragile Days
All it Would Take
Detesting Your Lies
Detesting Your Lies
it does not not hurt
It Does Not Not Hurt (Demo)
It Does Not Not Hurt
It Does Not Not Hurt