Scandal | zh

公式HP: SCANDAL是由4位高中女生所組成的日本女子搖滾樂隊之一,於2006年8月在大阪組成。 成員 * HARUNA o 本名:小野春菜(おの はるな) o 生日:1988年8月10日、身高153cm、血型:A型、愛知県出身 o 負責主唱、結他 * TOMOMI o 本名:小川ともみ(おがわ ともみ) o 生日:1990年5月31日、身高157cm、血型:A型、兵庫県出身 o 負責貝斯、主唱 * MAMI o 本名:笹崎まみ (ささざき まみ) o 生日:1990年5月21日、身高161cm、血型:AB型、愛知県出身 o 負責結他、主唱 * RINA o 本名:鈴木理菜(すずき りな) o 生日:1991年8月21日、身高160cm、血型:B型、奈良県出身 o 負責鼓、主唱 經歷 她們曾在「城天」這一個位於大阪城公園的被稱為街頭演唱聖地的地方,周而復始樂此不疲的演唱,終於贏得了大阪及京都等地一些現場演唱音樂酒吧(Livehouse)的演出邀請。她們的街頭演唱會曾經吸引了逾百歌迷的駐足,這一佳話甚至在東京亦引起了波動。2007年她們首次遠征東京在澀谷的clubasia登台演出。同時還首次作為嘉賓到廣播電台錄製節目、參加高校園祭的演出等,作為尚未錄製唱片的新人樂隊,她們的知名度以驚人的速度迅速擴大。2008年以她們4人的頭像速寫人物主人公短片開始在網上播映,同時歌迷們翹首而久的第一張唱片也於3月3日推出。 自大阪的日本高校女生乐队SCANDAL,走少女流行摇滚风格,凭天分与努力,出道仅2年已实现理想并走向国际,告诉大家没有不能达成的梦。Haruna、Tomomi、Mami和Rina 4位美少女,在舞蹈学校进修时结为好友,不当可爱舞蹈员而选择玩摇滚,事缘觉得一起上台玩乐器很有型,于是半途出家学乐器,极速花短短四个月时间学满师,然后正式成军。当时她们每天放学后就加紧努力苦练,为了争取时间更索性一起住,暑假也不去玩,埋头练好演奏技巧。 .
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD OUR MUSIC FOR FREE! Scandaliz Vandalistz was formed in Memphis, TN in 2003 by Alice Buchanan (guitar, vocals) and Katherine Dohan (bass, vocals). Later, they were joined by Alanna Stewart (vocals) and Brock Terwilleger (vocals), completing the quartet of permanent band members. On the drums, they have been accompanied by Sean Lissner, Hunter Deacon, Chad Carlisle, Dustin McCormick, and Michael Peery. The group formed when a teacher in charge of the high school Battle of the Bands begrudgingly allowed Buchanan and Dohan to enter, commenting that two girls with guitars could not be a real band....
THE SCANDAL is a three-piece progressive punk band from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. The band is comprised of Nic White, Mat Cocks, and Liam White. 2009 sees THE SCANDAL issue its first vinyl release, the Edges / Seasickness 7". The double-A sided EP sees the band exploring more weighty, measured material. Making a feature of the overlapping and intertwining vocals of all three members, the new songs bring an intensity born of restraint, showcasing just three instruments played rythmically and relentlessly. The EP was recorded by producer Linc le Fevre (Never Hold To Shore, Enola Fall) and mastered by Chad Clark...
Scandal'us are the winners of the Australian Popstars 2 in 2001. They were the first group to have a debut single debut at #1 on the Australia ARIAnet Singles Chart and keep it there for three weeks (the single in question is "Me Myself & I"). .