Anthony "Romeo" Santos (born July 21, 1981) is an American singer, featured composer and lead singer of the Bachata group Aventura. As a member of Aventura, Santos has been a key figure in popularizing Bachata, with hits reaching near the top of the Billboard Latin charts and the top of charts in Europe. In 2002, the band's song "Obsesión" was number one in Italy for sixteen consecutive weeks. Santos was born in The Bronx, New York, United States to a Dominican father and a Puerto Rican mother. At twelve years of age, he became a member of the church choir....
美国纽约说唱歌手Juelz Santana本名Laron Louis James,1983年2月18日出生于美国纽约哈林区。在2002年说唱歌手Cam'ron的两首“Hey Ma”与“Oh Boy”中登场后成为大家关注的焦点。2003年,他的处子专辑《From Me to U》由Def Jam唱片公司发行。2005年,第二张专辑《What The Game's Been Missing》发行。他以其独特的慢慢悠悠的说唱方式,睿智的歌词外加帅气的容貌被大家所喜爱。而2008年之前,大家只要看到将一块方巾折叠后斜戴在自己头上的那就是Juelz Santana,而在2008年之后,一位喜爱将围巾披在自己头上的,那就是Juelz Santana。 Juelz Santana出生在哈林,母亲是非洲裔美国人,父亲是多米尼加人。他从12岁就开始说唱,15岁组了一个两人组合Draft Pick,并被Priority唱片公司签约。2000年,Juelz Santana在The Diplomats老大Cam'ron的专辑《S.D.E.》中客串,随后便加入了The Diplomats组合。 2003年,Juelz Santana在Def Jam唱片公司旗下发行了处子专辑《From Me to U》,单曲“Dipset (Santana's Town)”在Billboard R&B/Hip-Hop榜单上排到了第70位。2005年《What the Game's Been Missing》中的一首“There It Go (The Whistle Song)”在Billboad Hot 100上排到了第6位,另一支单曲“Oh Yes”在Billboard Hot 100上排到了第56位。最终这张专辑卖到了黄金销量。 2006年,Juelz Santana与来自南方的说唱歌手Lil Wayne一同合作了一张专辑《I Can't Feel My Face》,专辑最终于2007年夏天完成,为什么会花那么多时间?Juelz Santana在一次采访中透露是因为Dipset老大Cam'ron的拖拖拉拉。2008年4月,专辑还是没有发行,Santana称因为两人属于不同唱片公司,所以还有许多问题没有解决。这段时间内,Cam'ron甚至不允许Juelz Santana与其他艺人的合作。在2009年2月的《XXL》杂志的一次采访中,Juelz Santana称专辑至今未发主要还是因为合同问题。在Lil Wayne的2008年大碟《Tha Carter III》中,Juelz Santana在第十五首歌中客串。 2008年8月,Dipset的老大Cam'ron称他已经将Juelz Santana的合约以200万美元卖给了Def Jam唱片公司。不过Juelz Santana并没有生Cam'ron的气,他将于Def Jam发行他的下一张专辑《Born to Lose, Built to Win》。由于Cam'ron在与50 Cent发生矛盾后人间蒸发,这使得Dipset的其他成员分别都开始了自己的事业,Jim Jones成立了ByrdGang,Juelz Santana成立了Skull Gang。最近网络流传着一首Juelz Santana的新歌,与刚打完官司的Chris Brown合作的“Back to the Crib”,这也是两人继当年的一首“Run It”后的再次合作,据说这首歌将会是他新专辑的主打单曲。 .
Santos Inocentes were an alternative rock band from Argentina. The group was most active during the late 90s and two years of 2000. They were generally tagged under the "sonic" rock movement of mid-decade (like Babasonicos and Juana La Loca), but featured a crunching attack of layered and textured guitars, more angular than other acts in the sub-genre. They took a reprieve in 2001. Santos Inocentes. (2006, September 29). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 05:53, November 6, 2006, from .
Born in August 1969, Paul Santana out of Tampa, FL grew up with his family heavily into the music scene. At the age of thirteen Paul began practicing mixing on two home turntables and a Radio Shack mixer. At the age of fourteen Paul received his first job spinning at a skating rink in Tampa, FL. His love for music grew throughout high school. Paul was the DJ at all the school dances and was the resident DJ at Faces, a teen night club in Tampa. In 1987 Paul began working for Off Limits teen night club. Paul was the...